Creating an Asset

  1. From the sidebar, click Asset
  2. Click on + Asset on top right
  3. Enter name and additional properties of asset as described in Asset Form Fields
  4. Select Create

Editing an Asset

  1. From the sidebar, click Asset
  2. Choose the Asset row you want to edit or search for the row using Search option
  3. Edit any field
  4. Click save to save changes
  5. Click discard to discard changes

Deleting an Asset

  1. From the sidebar, click Asset
  2. Select the Asset row you want to delete. Click Delete (or)
  3. Open the row, click on the : icon on the top right, click Delete

Bulk Deleting an Asset

To bulk delete an Asset,

  1. From the sidebar, click Asset
  2. Select all the asset rows that you want to delete
  3. Click Delete

View Assets

Assets can be viewed in

  1. Grid View - A table view highlighting the asset image, uptime and other information. In most scenarios, this is your default view. The Grid view provides a holistic view of all your assets, their uptime performance in the last few days and other key parameters.
  2. Map View - The map view shows visually where your assets are located. This is useful when you have assets spread across the geography and you’d like to visually identify and access them. This is also useful in the case of moving assets.