To view and manage work orders, follow these steps:

  1. Open the App: Locate and open the app on your device.

  2. Navigate to Work Orders:

    • Tap on the Workorder icon in the bottom navigation bar. This will take you to the work orders section.

Viewing Work Orders

In the work orders section, you can view all the assigned work orders.

To see more details about a specific work order, tap on the desired work order from the list. This will open the detailed view, which includes:

  • Status: Current status of the work order (e.g., Workorder In Progress).

  • Due Date: Deadline for completing the task.

  • Location: Exact location for the task.

    If you would like to view the location details, click on the Location value highlighted in blue to open the location details screen.
  • Asset: Specific asset associated with the work order.

    Click on the Asset value highlighted in blue to view detailed asset information.
  • Asset Status: Current operational status of the asset.

  • Assigned to: Person or team responsible for completing the work order.

  • Description: Detailed description of the work order.

  • Checklist: List of steps or items that need to be completed as part of the work order. Click on the Open button to view and complete the checklist items.

App Screenshot

Updating Work Orders

  1. Start Work:

    • From the work order detailed section, click on the Start button to begin working on the work order. This action starts the timer for tracking the time taken to complete the work order.
    • The status of the work order will update to In Progress.
  2. Complete Checklist:

    • Upon clicking the Start button, you will see a checklist related to the specific work order.
    • It includes a section to add any parts used, where you can specify the quantity. The total price of the parts is automatically calculated based on the number of parts inputted.
  3. Answer Questions:

    • The checklist also includes a list of questions that need to be answered. Some questions may require uploading images as proof of completion.
    • Follow the instructions and complete all the questions. Upload images if required based on the question.
  4. Complete Work Order:

    • After completing all checklist items and questions, click on the Complete button.
    • This action completes the work order, stops the timer, and updates the status to Completed.
    • The app automatically calculates the time taken to complete the work order, and this information is displayed on the next screen. This includes:
      • Work Order Start Time: The time when the work order was started.
      • Work Order End Time: The time when the work order was completed.
      • Time Taken: The total duration taken to complete the work order.
App Screenshot

By following these steps, users can effectively manage and complete work orders, ensuring timely and efficient task execution.