A work order is a digital document used to track and manage maintenance tasks assigned to technicians. It outlines the specific steps required to complete the task, assigns responsibility, and tracks progress. Zorp CMMS allows you to create, edit, and manage work orders for all your maintenance needs.

Work Order Page

The work order page provides a centralized view of all details associated with a specific work order. You can access work order history, track progress, update assigned technicians, add notes, and mark the work order as complete.

How to Create a Work Order

  1. Navigate to the “Work Orders” section.
  2. Click “Create New Work Order.”
  3. Fill out the following details:
  • Work Order Description: Briefly describe the work required.
  • Assigned To: Select the technician responsible for completing the work.
  • Type of Work Order: Choose the appropriate category for the work (e.g., corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance).
  • Priority: Set the urgency level (e.g., high, medium, low).
  • Start Time & End Time (Optional): Specify the desired timeframe for completing the work (can be adjusted later).
  • Asset: Link the work order to a specific asset within your CMMS for easy reference.
  • Checklist: Select a pre-defined checklist associated with the task to ensure technicians follow specific procedures.
  • Parts Required: List any parts or materials needed to complete the work.
  • Location: Specify the location of the asset requiring maintenance (if applicable).
  • Click “Create” to save.