What are Checklists?

Checklists are essentially a blueprint used to ensure technicians follow standardized procedures during maintenance tasks. They outline a specific set of questions or steps that need to be completed, promoting consistency and quality in maintenance work. Zorp CMMS integrates a powerful checklist builder to create customized checklists for various needs.

The Checklist Builder


The checklist builder empowers you to design comprehensive checklists tailored to specific equipment types, procedures, or tasks. This functionality streamlines maintenance processes by:

Improving Consistency: Checklists ensure technicians follow the same steps every time, reducing the risk of missed procedures or errors.

Enhancing Data Collection: Capture valuable data through various question types, providing insights into the condition of your assets.

Promoting Collaboration: Share standardized checklists across your team, fostering knowledge transfer and best practices. Creating a Checklist

  1. Navigate to the “Checklists” section.
  2. Click “Create New Checklist.”
  3. Provide a descriptive name for your checklist.
  4. Start building your checklist by adding questions.
  5. Field Types: Choose the most appropriate field type for each question from the following options:
  • Text: Allows technicians to enter free-form text responses.

  • Number: For capturing numerical data (e.g., measurements, readings).

  • Single Select: Presents a list of options for technicians to choose one answer.

  • Multi Select: Allows technicians to select multiple options from a list.

  • File: Enables technicians to upload relevant files (e.g., photos, reports).

  • Signature: Captures technician signatures for electronic sign-off.

  • Date/Time: Records the date and time when a step is completed.

  • Boolean: For Yes/No questions.

(Optional) Enable Scoring: Assign point values to each question. This allows you to calculate a total score for the completed checklist, providing a basic assessment of the task execution.

(Optional) Set Question Priority: Prioritize specific questions to ensure technicians address critical steps first. Click “Save Checklist” to create your checklist. Attaching Checklists to Work Orders

Once you’ve created a checklist, you can easily attach it to relevant work orders. This ensures technicians have the necessary instructions readily available while performing maintenance tasks.